Valores Involucrados para la Publicacion Costs Involved and Payment Avances en Ciencias e Ingenieri

Cost Involved and Payment Alternatives
To publish in the journal, involves costs for authors submitting works (the journal is financed with authors’ contributions). Payment requirement is mandatory, since the work will be brought to evaluation, once payment has been received and / or accredited. Payment must be sent along with the work and documents requested to the author (such as, introduction letter, ethical commitment letter, and evaluators).
The value per published page is US$ 30. That is, if a work consists of 6 pages total amount will be USD $ 180, if the pages are 7, will pay US$ 210, and so on.
If by any chance a work increase in more pages (from pages originally paid), those extra pages shall be equally paid by the author.
Authors who wish can request a document to manage payments at their respective institutions (must request an INVOICE), for which they must provide the respective data.
Since authors who submit papers for consideration in our journal come from different countries, and also the journal is edited and published in Chile, there are ways to pay for both, domestic authors (who pay in Chile) and foreign authors (who pay from overseas).
A) For payments from outside Chile (overseas) We only accept payments from overseas, via person to person, such as Western Union or similar system, if there is a representative in Chile where to withdraw the money (request data here). Extra charges will borne by the person or institution making the transfer. Received payment must match the exact amount, according to the number of pages. If authors and / or institutions wish to use another payment option, there is the wire transfer of money from overseas to an account in Chile, for which the respective data shall be requested to the Editor by e mail (this payment involves an extra charge). If you choose this option, please request data to Editor’s e mail.
B) For domestic payments (Chile): Deposit or electronic wire transfer to the account. Data must be requested. Payment must be made in Chilean pesos, and change the value of national currency shall be as specified in the market at the time of the operation.
Emission Data for the Proof of Payment and Delivery It is mandatory that, along with payment, authors (either domestic or foreigners) provide the required information (person and / or institution’s name, project Nº, tax identification Nº or RUT, address, etc.), so that EBS issues the document confirming the payment. Furthermore, an email of the person who receives the Invoice should be provided (otherwise, by default, it will be sent to the author).
Important For internal regulations, it won’t be issued any document (proof of payment or similar), without first having received the respective payment