Avances en Ciencias e Ingeniería-ACI (ISSN: 0718-8706), Advances in Science and Engineering is a journal oriented to diffuse scientific and technological work in Sciences and Engineering (in different areas such as: Chemistry, Physics, Biotechnology, Materials, Polymers, Environment and Pollution, Simulation, Thermodynamics, among others). The Journal also includes topics related to Teaching and College Education (Science Didactics, proposals for improvement in college education, teaching methodology, teaching simulation, etc.). ACI is a forum for Ibero -American researchers to share the researches’ results they develop (supported by their respective institutions and government entities).
Visión y Misión de ACI
ACI’s mission is to propagate researches developed in different countries, by placing an international forum available for Ibero -American teachers, researches and professionals.
ACI’s vision is, through publications, to give place to interactions among researchers, teachers and professionals, who publish in it, in order to share experiences, disseminate their proposals and investigation works, create working groups, position the institutions they work for and contribute with solutions to the multiple problems that countries face nowadays.
Avances en Ciencias e Ingeniería is an electronic format (on-line), peer-reviewed and serial journal, besides, an open-access publication supported by an International Editorial Board. The official language of the journal is Spanish; all researchers from non Spanish- speaking countries must submit their works duly translated into the official language. The journal’s periodicity is quarterly, which means 4 issues are annually edited and periods are as follows: January-March (Nº1), April-June (Nº2), July-September (Nº3) and October-December (Nº4). Articles ´publication of a determined issue is done at the end of each period (the last or penultimate day of the month), this means, issue Nº1 is published at the end of March, issue Nº2 is published at the end of June, issue Nº3 at the end of September and issue Nº4 at the end of December.
The journal is edited and published by EBS, through its publishing area. EBS is a private entity which carries out projects, advisories, among other activities in different areas (Economy, administration, Engineering, etc.) In addition, it provides training to professionals, through courses, workshops, diplomas, masters and doctorates.
Authors which would like to submit works to be considered in our journal must follow the steps mentioned below in Information to Authors (including the Articles’ preparation and submission; Copyrights and Ethical Commitment, articles Review Process, among others)