Article evaluation and final versions Received articles will be reviewed by international referees (peer- review), who will evaluate the manuscript’s relevance of the content and validity, for which a standard form is used for writing comments and suggestions to the respective authors. The Editor will ensure the compliance of Avances en Ciencias e Ingeniería standards. The articles received must meet the requirements stipulated in the rules, once verified that the jobs are sent to evaluate (a four evaluators). The evaluator selected, it prompts you for the work of arbitration and sent a copy of the work (in pdf format with numbered lines, including the authors and their affiliations). The evaluator must complete a form where their impressions and suggestions delivery, according to the items of the form. The article’s approval is resolved with at least 2 positive evaluations. If two evaluations are different (one approving and other, rejecting the work), a third evaluation is carried out or a new arbitrator is designated (if not having a third evaluation), for the Editor to settle. If a work has two or more negative evaluations, this may not be published. The name of the evaluator (and affiliation) won’t be revealed to the authors. The evaluator receives a certificate for the evaluation carried out. Additionally, the journal’s Editor suggests some aspects of format. The author receives the evaluation’s report and the text edition made by the Editor. Evaluated and accepted works will be sent to authors for modifications, if applicable. Upon receipt of this version, changes are verified, according to the comments and evaluation’s observations. Works meeting all requirements will be assigned to the respective number and volume of the journal. Assignation shall be in strict order of reception. After publishing the article, a copy of the work will be sent to the author (reprint) digitally (in PDF). Final Versions Once the authors have made the changes, they shall send a copy of the edited manuscript (doc and pdf formats), and a letter explaining the changes (attended and unattended ones, duly justified) according to the evaluators’ observations. This will be a free format letter (can be in tabular or prose), but they should clearly specify to whom is the answer addressed to (to the Editor, Evaluator1, Evaluator2, etc). Deadline for sending the modified version is 2.5 months. After that time, if the modified version is not received, the author shall be deemed to remove the work from the process. However, the author may request an extension in attention to reasons which may delay sending the modified version, indicating the respective reasons for delay. Release tests Once the modified version of the article is approved, format will be reviewed (for example, presentation and figures and tables placement) for a better presentation and publication impact. The same applies to the article’s first page, where abstract, title and keywords in Spanish and English will be checked. The Editor reserves the right to make changes considered appropriate, without affecting the substance of the article. Once the review is ready, a copy is sent to the author for approval. |